i just started a web site. how do i get it on a search engine?
bruce b2
2007-05-28 17:56:03 UTC
i just started a web site. how do i get it on a search engine?
Six answers:
2007-05-28 22:56:28 UTC
Submit your blog to various directories in the appropriate categories, remember to use your keywords in the title for your site if possible. Only submit to good directories (usually Google PR is a good indicator of this). Install the Google toolbar and you see the PageRank of every site you visit. When the search engines bots visit these already indexed directories, your site will get indexed. You can submit to the search engines if you like, but this will not guarantee indexing as well as a bunch of good links to your site. This will also help people find your site as well.

Good luck.
2007-05-29 07:54:11 UTC
It is very important to promote one's website by first publishing one's domain named website on these major search directories. For example, to publish your website's domain name for FREE at Google's search directory, visit " and fill-in the form. In another way, Google, Yahoo or MSN provide a Yellow Pages kind of advertisement for every website according to a set of ranking protocols. And there's where web designers and search engine optimizers play an critical role in marketing websites which in turn, display goods and services to be discovered [via search directories] by the rest of the world. The greater the appearance or presence that one's website can generate on search directories, the greater number of customers will accordingly visitor one's website.

As for the cost to market one's website via the Internet and more particularly -- search directories, will depend initially with the proper design of webpages and the proper placement of metatags which are: , <Description> and <Keywords>. <br /><br /> <br /><br />A searchable <Title> would be "[name of the goods/services - a generic domain name is okay unless you own a well-know brand], [city], [state - postal abbreviation]" -- up to 65 characters and spaces. The <Description> would be up to 20 words comprising a complete readable sentence which promotes interest in your business, i.e., "We sell quality _____ at a reasonable price, etc." And <keywords> would consist of 12-15 compound plural words separated by commas, i.e., "cars, planes, transportation, etc." <br /><br /> <br /><br />In conclusion, webpages can either be rather straightforward using only HTML text or be crafted totally as a graphic Flash configuration. Either way, care should be taken to complete the Properties entries for Title, Description and Keywords so that there is something that search robots can index. The more one is educated in crafting effective webpages along with metatag placement, the less will be spent to hire third-party consultants to assist you in this matter. <br /><br /> <br /><br />To demonstrate how search engines/directories work, go to and type in the following search query: "pizza downtown los angeles." [Note: do not include the quotes (").] Again, this is a very generic query which means you want to order a "pizza" from "downtown" and in what city -- "Los Angeles." Sounds fairly simple and then hit Enter. In a moment or two, there will appear some 1.3 million search results and among the top Five rankings will be a business called "Pizza Next Door, etc." The significance of this demonstration is to illustrate that most Interest shoppers will discover "Pizza Next Door," forthright because of its high web presence and ranking within the Top Five. So these shoppers are more or less likely to patronize this pizza establishment and hopefully in the long term; validate the owner and his family as having a profitable Internet enterprise. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Good luck! </div> </div> <!--</div>--> </div> <div class="qa_answer " > <!--<div class="qa_post_head_div">--> <div class="qa_post_head"> <div class="post" id="post2"> <div class="post_header"> <div class="ya_post_header_poster"> fbfan12 </div> <div class="post_header_date"> <span class="timeago" title="2007-05-28T23:38:25-05:00">2007-05-29 04:38:25 UTC</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--</div>--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_div">--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_left"> </div>--> <div class="qa_post_content_body"> <div class="post_body parsed"> <div class="post_actions"> <!--<a href="" style="border: 0;" class="post_actions_bit" rel="nofollow">switch to english</a>--> </div> You can start by using free search engine url submission sites if you dont want to pay for it, you can find a list of them at the site below! </div> </div> <!--</div>--> </div> <div class="qa_answer " > <!--<div class="qa_post_head_div">--> <div class="qa_post_head"> <div class="post" id="post3"> <div class="post_header"> <div class="ya_post_header_poster"> </div> <div class="post_header_date"> <span class="timeago" title="2007-05-29T14:02:06-05:00">2007-05-29 19:02:06 UTC</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--</div>--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_div">--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_left"> </div>--> <div class="qa_post_content_body"> <div class="post_body parsed"> <div class="post_actions"> <!--<a href="" style="border: 0;" class="post_actions_bit" rel="nofollow">switch to english</a>--> </div> As you can tell from all these posts, the process of getting noticed can be quite involved. You can save yourself a lot of searching and sifting through outdated answers looking for the right answer, by starting with a search marketing consultant. They are inexpensive and provide valuable information. With solid advice from respected advisers, and a little practice, you'll have people coming in droves. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> </div> </div> <!--</div>--> </div> <div class="qa_answer " > <!--<div class="qa_post_head_div">--> <div class="qa_post_head"> <div class="post" id="post4"> <div class="post_header"> <div class="ya_post_header_poster"> Polly </div> <div class="post_header_date"> <span class="timeago" title="2007-05-28T19:58:58-05:00">2007-05-29 00:58:58 UTC</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--</div>--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_div">--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_left"> </div>--> <div class="qa_post_content_body"> <div class="post_body parsed"> <div class="post_actions"> <!--<a href="" style="border: 0;" class="post_actions_bit" rel="nofollow">switch to english</a>--> </div> each search engine has a place to add your web site......and it gets picked up by others easily. </div> </div> <!--</div>--> </div> <div class="qa_answer " > <!--<div class="qa_post_head_div">--> <div class="qa_post_head"> <div class="post" id="post5"> <div class="post_header"> <div class="ya_post_header_poster"> Consultant </div> <div class="post_header_date"> <span class="timeago" title="2007-05-29T11:39:24-05:00">2007-05-29 16:39:24 UTC</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!--</div>--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_div">--> <!--<div class="qa_post_content_left"> </div>--> <div class="qa_post_content_body"> <div class="post_body parsed"> <div class="post_actions"> <!--<a href="" style="border: 0;" class="post_actions_bit" rel="nofollow">switch to english</a>--> </div> It is very important that you DO NOT USE AUTOMATED SOFTWARE to submit your site. The top serch engines actually will verify human submission by asking you to submit a set of lettes and numbers. No automated software can do this and as such, is just a waste of time and money. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Next fact; getting index is not that same as getting top rankings. The search engines can index anything, top rankings comes from good search engine optimization - SEO <br /><br /> <br /><br />next fact...the search engines will actually find your web ist on their own. If your site is made seo easy to ready, has a static sitemap conatining all text links to pages and you submitted an XML sitemap to Google and you have proper ronots text page telling the engines they can enter and what they can index, well, they will find you. <br /><br /> <br /><br />To many people waste money on 'submit to 1000's of engines for @4.95" as example. This promotes nothing but spam and adds you to link farms and such. <br /><br /> <br /><br />So, just let the engines find you. Work on getting your site linked to other same venuem highlt ranked sites as well as that shows your trust level and expertise. Write PR releases and articles as this will also helo get your web site found <br /><br /> <br /><br />PR Directories <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br />PR Announcements <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br />There are two easy ways to get your link on other sites that you should be using. <br /><br /> <br /><br />#1. Find sites that you want to get links from and then custom write articles for each site and send them to the editors. Include your link in the "credits" at the bottom of the article, of course. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Make the articles interesting and useful to the readers of the sites and you can be sure that most of your articles will get published. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Take some of the articles you have already written and customize them for a niche. It's easier than you think and it does get results. <br /><br /> <br /><br />#2. The second way to get articles (with links) published is to submit the articles to sites that accept articles for distribution. <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br /> <br /><br />FACTS ON IMPORTANCE OF YOUR LINKS ON OTHER WEB SITES <br /><br />Link building has changed and this change is more precise in what engines look for. I cannot recommend a specific company. What I can do is provide you with information so you can be sure that whom ever you use provides the best in getting your site linked to other sites <br /><br /> <br /><br />You do not want to join link exchanges or link farms. Websites to house your text link is not easy. You need to do searches by keyword phrases and check out the top sites. their links partners and so on. Then develop a personal email to send to the sites webmaster requesting the placement of your anchor text link. Below is lots of info and details to help you. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Building Link Popularity is one of the most important and critical aspects to obtain high rankings campaign today. The 'off-page' factors such as link popularity, anchor text in incoming links play a major role in your site's ranking in the search engine results pages (SERP). <br /><br /> <br /><br />Search Engines consider your site more important if more links point to your site. Building link popularity improves the popularity of your web pages. The higher the popularity of your website, the higher its importance for search engines and higher it gets ranked in the search engine result pages. Search engines also take into account the popularity of the pages that link to your site and its industry relevance to your own industry. Links from higher popular pages and industry relevant sites give your site a higher value. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Types of Links <br /><br />There are two types of links you can establish on the web. One way is to trade links (where you give a link from the links Page on your site to the partner sites.) The second method is to establish one way links which can boost you even higher <br /><br /> <br /><br />Page Relevance <br /><br /> <br /><br />Most sites offering links have several categories listed on their sites. Try and get a link from a category that closely matches your own industry. For instance, if you have a site related to hotels, then, on your partner site, a tickets site for example, try and identify a resource directory pertaining to hotels, resorts, reservations, vacation packages, travel, tourism, food and beverages etc. If the concerned site has a directory on hotels, you should request a link in that category, as a link from that page would be relevant to a hotels site, thus getting you more benefits. An algorithm called "Applied Semantics" determines the industry relevance of a page within a site. Applied Semantics algorithm studies various keywords on a web page and tries to determine the industry or business segment of each page. Applied Semantics estimates the industry segments that are relevant to a particular page. If the link to your page is coming from your business specific segment, then you are likely to draw more benefit. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Anchor Text <br /><br /> <br /><br />Anchor Text is the visible hyperlinked text on a web page. Since anchor text is very important, make sure that your most important keywords appear in anchor text from the link pointing to your site. You should try and work with at-least 10-20 keyword and link text options. If you are creating a large number of links using only one standard link text, then the search engines are likely to detect a pattern. It is possible that future algo updates may do away with all repetitive and similar looking links to your site. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Pre-Indexed Pages <br /><br /> <br /><br />Try and find link partners in Search Engines like Google and Yahoo, and check if the links page is already indexed in the search engines. Search Engines frequently re-index the pages in its database. They are likely to detect your link faster on a page already existing in their database as compared to a 'yet-to-be indexed' page. The safest way to check is to copy the prospective link page URL and paste it into Google Search. If the page is indexed, Google would show a result in response to your search, otherwise it would respond with a 'no result found'. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Dynamic Link Pages <br /><br /> <br /><br />You should also watch out for any link pages that are generated dynamically. Chances are that such pages would not get indexed soon enough, which means that a link from such a page would not benefit you. Some dynamic link pages are intentionally generated in such a way so as to prevent them from getting indexed. Some unscrupulous webmasters do this to trick you to prevent any PageRank leaking from their site to yours. Links from such pages therefore do not give you any benefit. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Java Script Link Pages <br /><br /> <br /><br />It is also important to identify pages that are generated through Flash or a Java Script, as Search Engines cannot read flash pages or the links embedded within flash. These are some of the tricks unethical webmasters use. While a site can claim to have placed a link to your web page, in effect they are not giving you any benefit. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Re-Directed Links <br /><br /> <br /><br />A link that is first re-directed to another page within your partner site before pointing to your site is a re-directed link. You should watch out for such links, as search engines do not give weight to re-directed links. It is very unlikely that your site would draw any benefit from a re-directed link. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Frame Sites <br /><br />Avoid getting links from framed sites as search engines cannot read texts within frames. A link placed on a frame site would not get your site any benefit, as search engines would not be able to recognize such a link. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Directory Depth <br /><br /> <br /><br />It is important to evaluate the depth of the directory of the linking page. Avoid getting links from pages that are embedded in a very deep directory or pages that are more than two directories deep (e.g. is not a good link page). Deep directories seldom earn high PR. They are also slow in getting indexed, if at all. <br /><br />One of the important factors in ranking high in search engine results is link popularity. It is not enough to just have the best website in the world—other sites have to point back to you. The thought is that if your site is good enough for others to link to you, then you must have a great site. <br /><br /> <br /><br />How do I increase link popularity? <br /><br />Building link popularity is hard work. You've searched endlessly. You've sent every reciprocal link email you can think of. What else can you do? Surprisingly, writing articles on your topic can lead you to a wealth of link popularity. <br /><br /> <br /><br />What are the benefits of writing articles? Think about it. If you write articles, you get to use them on your website and you build your website content. You can also submit your articles to other sites. With both methods you get a lot in return: <br /><br /> <br /><br />You build your content. More is better when it comes to site content. <br /><br /> <br /><br />You promote your website. With more keyword-rich text on more pages, you will increase the number of pages indexed by the search engines. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Other websites link back to your website content. Sites focused on related topics link back to you. <br /><br />You receive a link back to your website from the site you submitted the article to. Remember to include a link in all guest articles you submit. <br /><br /> <br /><br />You become an authority on your topic. Search engines reward sites with a larger number of inbound links from sites dealing with similar topics. <br /><br /> <br /><br />What do I write articles about? <br /><br /> <br /><br />The saying goes "write about what you know." Sometimes it takes thinking in a creative way to open the door to a new route for link popularity success. Think of what your visitors might be looking for. Why do they come to your site? What can you help them with when they arrive on your website? Answer their questions about your topic. We all search to find information, so give them what they are looking for. <br /><br /> <br /><br />So what are they looking for? That is easy enough to find out. Review your web server logs to see what keywords and phrases your visitors are using when they find your site through the search engines. Run your own searches using those keywords. What kinds of sites are returned in the search engine listings? Pay attention to visitor feedback. Know your visitors. Answer the questions they are asking, or even those questions they do not know yet to ask. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Most importantly, write because you have something to say. If in the process of building your content and inbound links, you benefit your readers with your content, all the better in terms of providing visitor satisfaction. This is the best reason to write, which is the way of the web, to seek out and share information. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Where do you put articles? <br /><br /> <br /><br />On your site. The first and obvious answer is to put them on your site. After all, you have all this knowledge; why not share it with your visitors? You may want to create an Articles page on your site. This will give you a place to put your articles, and any new ones that you write. Make sure to add this new page into your site navigation, and especially to add it to your sitemap page. Add a link to your main articles page on your sitemap, and a link to each new article on your articles page, and you are on your way to having your good content indexed. Make sure your visitors and the search engine robots can find your new pages. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Adding article content not only answers your visitors' questions, it adds to your website. Your visitors will have a richer experience with your site when there is more content. Not only can they buy the widgets you are selling, but they can also learn more about how to select widgets, exciting news from the world of widgets, and so on. <br /><br /> <br /><br />The more pages you add to your website, the better chance the already visiting search engine robots will also pick up your new pages to be indexed. More pages mean more links. Be sure to make an archive of your articles on your website. Always keep your pages in directories close to the root of your site for optimum indexing by the search engine robots. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Submit to the search engines. As always you will want to submit your new pages to the mainstream search engines and directories. In addition, look for specialized, topical directories that deal with your particular subject. There are also many general business directories available. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Submit guest articles. In addition to submitting your articles to the various search engines and directories, think about submitting the articles themselves. Submit your articles to sites that accept guest articles. It may take a little detective work to find some of these locations. You can start small, submitting to lesser-known portals seeking information on your topic. Some sites are focused on one topic; others need articles about all sorts of topics. Get searching and you should be able to come up with a healthy list of sites to submit to. Searching in Google and in categories in Yahoo! and ODP (Open Directory Project/Dmoz) would be helpful. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Once you are featured as a guest writer on a website, you will notice that most sites archive these articles. How many articles can you write? How many articles are archived and linked? How many different search engines indexed those pages? You get the idea. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Always include a bio of the author, article re-print instructions, copyright information and a link back to your website. Add an active link in your link text in your submission or request one for your listing. Be aware of dynamically generated pages—a static URL also increases the chance that the article you have submitted has the optimum chance of indexing by the search engine robots. <br /><br /> <br /><br />What if I don't write? <br /><br /> <br /><br />What if writing is just not your thing? You are in luck, because there are sites out there that have free content and articles available to you. When you add them to your site, you still build the content on your website. <br /><br /> <br /><br />Legitimate links, no spam <br /><br /> <br /><br />The best part is that your new links are all legitimate and not just junk links. You add important information to your site, and that is good for your visitors and good for your image. Naturally, using your keyword phrases in your Title/META tags and the text of your articles as you would in your regularly optimized pages makes sense for good search engine ranking. </div> </div> <!--</div>--> </div> </br ></br > <div id="se_licensing_notice"> <div id="se_licensing_notice_info"> ⓘ </div> <div id="se_licensing_notice_text"> This content was originally posted on Y! 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