That's a big question.
First and foremost, is deciding what keyword you are trying to rank well for? Once you have it, make sure your copy is keyword dense without over doing it.
Since there is lots of competition in your market you'll most likely want to narrow your keyword down to a specific niche to get people to your site.
Often times, using the city or town you live in can be sufficient enough to do that. Sometime, you have to be a bit more creative.
Analyze keywords using these steps.
note: it will be easier to have two tabs or windows open to do this.
1. Go to Google and type in Google Adwords. When you find Google Adwords click on it and go to the page. This tool will return the number of times that a particular keyword or phrase is searched for each month. This gives you an idea of it's viability as a possible keyword for you to use.
Simply type in the keyword you want to check popularity on and look to see how many people are searching for it every month (leave the synonyms check box checked).
Look for words and phrases that have at least 2500 searches a month. Google will give you related search terms to the one you entered. IF you can dominate these keywords (hold 1st position or top 3) you can expect somewhere in the vicinity of 80 visitors a day.
How do you know if you can dominate the keyword?
2. In the second tab or window, launch Google's home page and type the keyword or key phrase you found into the search box.
Important! Make sure you put the phrase or keyword in quotes, for example, "how to play guitar" rather than, how to play guitar.
Once you do this, you will see the amount of competing web pages for that keyword . If you type in the word "guitars" for example you'd see something like this: Results 1 - 10 of about 25,200,000 for guitars.
Even though there might be well over 2500 people searching for this term every month its not smart to try and rank for this keyword because the competition is fierce.
What you want to do is look for search terms and phrases that have 30,000 competing web pages or less.
Each of your pages has a different topic so you should do this for each page that you want ranked in Google. Make that page "keyword dense" for it's word or phrase (just make sure it's in the first paragraph and sprinkled throughout the page).
Beyond keywords, article marketing is a great way to start driving traffic. Write 5 articles and use article submission software to submit multiple articles at one time. The author section of these articles allows you to drive people to your website.
So think of some good content that is helpful to your potential readers or customers such as tips for choosing a guitar or what to look for in a good teacher and post these articles in the article directories. If you provide good stuff they will naturally want to go to your site.
The super cool thing is that other people might like the article you posted and want to put it on there site as content. Article sites like ezine require that the author box stay in tact if they want to reproduce the article. Over time this becomes a hugely viral traffic generator for you. Just post an article or two a day.
The more traffic the better your page rank.
Like I said at the beginning, this is a big question and I can go on for days about how to drive traffic and get a better page rank. If you, or anyone reading this needs any further clarification or assistance, just drop me an e-mail, you'll find it in my profile.
Hope this helps...