I am a SEO contractor so i need to find out low quality, bad and broken link.But i don't know how to can do it? Please give me a tools or website.And a idea of finding this.
Good luck
Five answers:
2013-08-22 02:13:57 UTC
Hi Abdullah al,
Now I am using the SEOSpyder. I think it is the best SEO tool since now: http://www.mobiliodevelopment.com/seospyder/ . With it you can scan you site and find out how the web crawlers "see" it. It will show you all 404s that exist or if there are errors in some of yours metadata. Check out the link I gave you above and you will see a lot of screenshots and tutorial. Let me know what do you think. SEOSpyder: http://www.mobiliodevelopment.com/seospyder/ :)
2013-08-20 19:07:29 UTC
To check on site links accessing internal and external URLs, there is a Check Page Links Firefox plugin that paints all links on a page Green or Red to indicate status.
To remove low grade inlinks in response to a Google "Unnatural Link Pattern" warning message, some backlink reporting sites, like Opensiteexplorer.org which gives authority ratings to link sources might be useful, you need the paid version to see details of all backlinks, these services don't examine every low quality site for links, so some bad sources may not be shown.
Some experts advise that you create backlinks in a way that allows them to be disconnected from your site, redirecting from an intermediate page being one option, changing the url of an inner page effectively sheds all backlinks to that page, this may be a necessary solution in some cases. It is dangerous to have questionable quality links to the home page of a site, which are the most difficult to remove.
2014-02-04 05:54:31 UTC
Broken Link also known as Dead Link is a hyperlink that does not work. It means it no longer points to an active sheet. This may happen because a data file is missing, has been migrated or has no more access permissions.
2013-08-21 04:28:49 UTC
Try Google web master tools.
2013-08-20 18:10:05 UTC
hi there it is very simple kindly use this page for checking broken links.