The counts on your archive menu suggests you have about 100 posts, a Google search for, has 5,370 results.
Articles appearing in more than one place, like on a category and tag page can be damaging to ranking, the position of the content may be diluted when it appears in multiple results. Read up on the Cannonical tag, which you can use to mark the primary version of the article, which the search engine will give priority ranking. Some tune their site be blocking the indexing of tags pages, etc. with a robot script tag.
You hoe page load a bit slow, this raises the bounce rate (people who don't even wait for page loads) the slideshow images might eat up too much of the valuable above the fold space, at least compress those images to the max to improve load speed, you can probably lower jpeg compression quality to 40% and still have passable images. (Google's own internal design guidelines call for 1/2 second load times)