Let’s Start Link Wheeling!
The first part of building your link wheel is to create content to put on the sites in your anchor text layer. My strategy for these sites is to pick a single topic to use across all my anchor text layer sites that’s closely related to the topic of my main site. Once you have the topic for your sites you’ll need to have at least one unique article for each of your anchor text layer site. Make sure to avoid using duplicate or poorly spun content, as this could get your web 2.0 site deleted by the web 2.0 company or not indexed by Google (if its not indexed it won’t do you any good for boosting your site rankings). As long as you add some value with your content you’ll avoid any potential problems. There are really two approaches to take for creating these articles: write an original article for each site in your anchor text layer, or write one original article and spin it well.
Writing An Original Article for Each Site
The benefit to writing an original article for each one of your anchor text layer sites is you’ll know the content quality is good and it doesn’t cost you anything except time. Of course, the process of writing this amount of articles can take up quite a bit of time. You’ll want at least 5 or 6 anchor text layer sites in your link wheel, so that means writing 5 or 6 useful articles. This is a good approach to take if you’re concerned about keeping costs low or you know a lot about your topic and can write quickly off the top of your head. If you want to save some time, the other approach to creating these unique articles quickly is to use article spinning software.
Next, you’ll want to link some of the sites in your anchor text layer to each other. The most important thing is to make sure you keep these links between anchor text layer sites random. In other words, don’t link from site #1 to site #2, site #2 to site #3, and so on. Pick which site each one links to randomly. Also, mix in some instances where one site is linking to two others, or none. For example, have site #1 link to #4 and #6, then no links (other than to the main site) on site #4 and site #6 linking to site #2. Keeping things random like this will add an extra layer of protection your link wheel “shield”. Here are some more examples of good and bad link wheel inter-linking formulas
Creating Anchor Text Layer Blogs, Articles and Web 2.0 Sites
Blogs (WordPress, Bloggers, Live Journal)
Article Directories (EzineArticles, GO Article, Article Base)
Web 2.0 Sites (Squidoo Tumblr Weebly)
Good Outer Layer Linking Examples (random)
1 links 5 | 2 links 4 & 6 | 3 has no links | 4 links 1 & 3 | 5 links 3 & 2 | 6 links 4
1 links 3 & 6 | 2 has no links | 3 links 5 | 4 links 1 | 5 links 2 | 6 links 2
1 links 4 & 6 | 2 links 1 | 3 links 5 & 2 | 4 links 6 | 5 has no links | 6 links 3