There's both on-site optimization and off-site.
You're a professional but your site looks like a typical Glazer-Kennedy long-form sales letter, great for selling money-making schemes but not professional services. Sorry, but it sends the wrong message to site visitors.
Off-site SEO involves blogging, posting artcles to syndication sites and building in-bound links from these posts. You can register as an expert on Yahoo (hey, like me!) and start answering questions.
Post blogs to dental sites.
Create a unique selling proposition.
Eliminate the video testimonials. Poor production values and not very appealing.
Provide more informational content. Your current site addresses your needs - to increase your client base. It doesn't help the site visitor looking for a new dentist.
Add maps and directions to your office.
Optmize for local search using long-tail keywords. You're not looking for business from Mozambique so go local.
Detail services and address the usual fears and phobias prospects have about changing dental health professionals.
Sorry to be such a buzz kill but your marketing approach isn't appropriate for a medical professional.
Paul Lalley