How can I increase traffic to my web site
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can I increase traffic to my web site
Ten answers:
2007-05-21 16:16:47 UTC
Seems you've been scammed by a SEO company or something. And your web design is horrible. Both of these things will make Google ignore you. Take a look at this list of keywords:

search engine optimization, dinningout, essex, london, UK, online shopping, crayon direct advertising, blog, How to market, advertise, publicise and announce a Web site using AltaVista, Excite, HotBot, Infoseek, Lycos and WebCrawler, lettings, guaranteed rent, jobs, car insurance quotes,travel insurance, no fee lettings, mortgage 100%, remortgage, loans, non status loan, restaurant guide, restaurant Indian, Bangladeshi & Indian Cuisine, restaurant, takeaway, delivery, entertainment, Essex’s premier restaurant, Braintree to restaurant, over 100 dinning facilities, food and drink, pub, Elvis night,

What does any of that have to do with your food? Nothing. Google is ignoring you because of this. You are a restaurant (I think?) and your page is covered with ads for things that are completely unrelated to food. What does online poker have to do with Indian food? Nothing. Google sees this and thinks you are an 'all-purpose link farm' and you are just trying to generate advertising revenue. Google won't send users to sites like that because Google likes to send users to sites with relevant content. Your site is trying to be relevant to EVERYONE, rather than being focused only on the people who like Indian food. Google thinks that is a waste of time. You need to get your web page focused on one point - your food. Get all that other crap off there, and whoever told you to put it on there, I would consider suing them because your domain name is probably blacklisted now and will never get proper PageRank on Google, ever.

And it looks like such good food! You can't beat free beer either, and I did see that.

A restaurant page should have the following things, and nothing else:

1. Your address, phone number and a description of the cuisine and dining experience. This should be on the front page, with photos of the location and/or the food.

2. a PDF of your menu, with prices.

3. A Mapquest link with your address pre-formatted so that people can just click it and get the map to your place.

4. ONE advertisement for YOUR specials.

5. Pages that describe your special events and any additional information (such as dress code), that your patrons may need to know.

See this web site. This is one of my favorite places, and one of the best restaurant web sites I've ever seen. Notice that they are able to create a well-designed and professional looking site, without clutter and with good, clean code. You need to do this:

Note that they use Flash for picture displays. This is the only accepted use of Flash on a restaurant site. Don't do the site in Flash, that's another way to make Google ignore it.
2007-05-21 16:09:07 UTC
Advertise on Google like everyone else and redesign your home page. It's incomprehensible with all that stuff on it. Really really not good.

Thumbs up to Polly Peptide below - first rate answer. You don't need to read any others.
2014-08-30 00:22:58 UTC

I recommend this method It's a good resource that teaches you how to make money online with internet marketing. It's very easy to use and you start earning the first dollars the very first day.

Have a nice day
2007-05-21 17:56:07 UTC
Well, to be honest, the site is far from search engine ready and the design is keeping it from being found at the top of the engines and it also has many flaws that keep it from being seen in a professional light.

The worst kept secret in Internet Marketing is the advantages of a well-wrought search engine optimization campaign. Companies are quickly adopting SEO into their marketing plan and looking for someone they can trust to optimize their Web sites in order to achieve top rankings. However, not all SEO practitioners are created equal so be sure you know what you're getting before you sign a contract.

With over 100 million Web sites on the Internet, it is more important than ever to achieve high rankings for visibility. While reputable SEO companies use ethical SEO practices, there are others who will try to trick the engines into high rankings by using questionable techniques. These techniques are known as spam and can get you penalized or banned from the search engines.

Many times, an SEO provider will promise quick, first-page rankings and fail to notify the client that they use spam techniques to achieve those rankings. To avoid falling into this trap, you must be aware of unethical SEO techniques and guard against the companies who use them.

Consequences of Spam

While search engines may have different rules for detecting spam, in the end, the results are the same – you lose your rankings and can be taken out of the index. It is not easy to recover from a ban, so it is important to know the techniques that must be avoided.

Many sites may be unwitting victims of spamming techniques used by aggressive SEO vendors. Whether it happens inadvertently or not, the search engines will penalize and ban, temporarily or permanently. If a significant part of your online business model depends on search engine traffic, you could be in trouble. When infractions are serious, it can take many months to convince the search engine that you corrected the problem and deserve a second chance.

SEO Techniques to Avoid

Search engine optimization practitioners are often divided into two camps: the so-called Black Hats, who use questionable techniques to trick the search engines into ranking them highly, and White Hats, who prefer to work with the search engines guidelines in order to achieve lasting success. A number of Black Hat vendors have turned to White Hat techniques over the past year; however, there are still many unethical vendors claiming to practice SEO soliciting business.

Below are some basic spam techniques to avoid. Obviously this list isn't exhaustive but it will give you a good idea of the types of things that the search engines find to be unacceptable. Familiarize yourself with Google's Webmaster Guidelines and make sure you know if what is being done to your Web site is in agreement with those rules.

Keyword Stuffing: This practice involves the repetitive use of the same keyword phrase over and over in your Meta tags, Comment tags, ALT tags or in the copy on your pages. When determining the appropriate keyword density for your page content, plan to repeat your targeted keywords no more than six or seven times within 200 words of text on one page. You can use the keyword density analyzer available on our free SEO tools page in order to determine if you or your SEO is using a particularly keyword too often.

Hidden Text or Links: This practice involves inserting hidden text or links that are readable by search engine spiders but cannot be seen by your site's human visitors. This can be accomplished several way, the easiest of which is by using a white link or white text containing relevant keywords on a Web page with a white background. Your site visitors won't be able to see this text and will not know it is there, but the search engines will. All search engines consider hidden links or hidden text to be spam and will penalize the page, if not the entire site, for it.

Cloaking: This involves using a software program to direct search spiders to a group of pages specifically created to trick the spider and re-direct the user to a different set of pages. The user does not see the group of spam pages and is simultaneously re-directed to the real site. Cloaking can have proper uses--some sites use it to redirect based on location. For example, if they sell a product that is illegal to market in a particular area, they can direct those users to a different page where the illegal products are not mentioned. However, by and large, cloaking is used to deceive the search engines and must be considered a spam technique.

Doorway Pages: Also known as Gateway or Bridge pages, these are low-quality Web pages that exist only to pass visitors to the main Web site without providing value of their own. Doorway pages are used to achieve high rankings for a particular key phrase while leading the user to a different page irrelevant to the search query. These pages frequently auto refresh to a second Web site. Be sure that every page on your site that you want indexed can be accessed by at least two internal links and that the page provides value to the user.

Mirror Sites and Duplicate Content: This involves the creation of several sites with identical content and placing them on multiple servers with different domain names. These sites link to one another and are constructed for the purpose of achieving multiple rankings for identical keywords using the same content. Search engines suppress duplicate content because it holds no value for their users. An optimization company who suggests that you interlink all the Web sites that you own is doing you a great disservice. These types of incestuous link rings are a clear violation of the search engine's spam guidelines.

Link Farms: Google's quality guidelines suggest that pages contain no more than 99 links. Link farms typically consist of one page with hundreds of links to sites within different categories that are unrelated to your site content. Such pages contain poor quality content that is useless to visitors. Reciprocal links from these pages hold no value for you at all and could potentially associate you with poor neighborhoods. Avoid these inbound links at all costs because they will result in serious penalties and banning.

Ask any prospective search engine optimization company about their best practices and be sure you know what they're doing to your pages. Beware of spammers who claim to be legitimate search engine optimization experts. Realize that no company can guarantee results and if a company claims a special relationship with Google or any other search engine, run the other way.

Unethical SEO techniques can bring you high rankings; however, visibility is short lived. When you use spamming techniques, your site may benefit briefly from high rankings that last for days, weeks or months. Once the search engines discover the use of spamming techniques, they will penalize or ban your site from their indexes. If you are removed from a search engine index, it can be difficult and time consuming to be reinstated. You might even have to start over with a new domain name. So beware of unethical SEO techniques and ask any prospective vendors if they adhere to a Code of Ethics and/or a Code of Conduct. Once achieved legitimately, organic links can last indefinitely. That's why it's important to acquire your search engine rankings fairly and maintain them ethically.

Google Algorithm’s Top 10 (Assumed) Positive Factors

1. Keyword Use In Title Tags – “Notice number one – that you have HTML title tags that reflect the key terms you want your page to be found for. That’s been the advice since I first starting writing about SEO back in 1996. Eleven years later – and even in the age of it’s all about links — it remains the top ranked tip by so many experts. – Danny Sullivan, Search Engine Land.

2. Global Link Popularity of Site (The overall link weight/authority as measured by links from any and all sites across the web – both link quality and quantity) – “Think of a web page as a town. If a city has freeways, airports, train stations, bus shelters and a port, that’s a good indicator that it is an important hub. That orphaned web page with no links pointing to it? It may as well be a hidden tribe of Amazons that no one has discovered.” – Lucas Ng (a.k.a. shor), Fairfax Digital online marketing analyst.

3. Anchor Text of Inbound Link – “Anchor text of the inbound link is one of the most concise assessments another person can make about what your site/page is ‘about’.” – Mike McDonald, WebProNews

4. Link Popularity within Site’s Internal Link Structure (Refers to the number and importance of internal links pointing to the target page) – “As mentioned on my blog, you can pulse a page’s rankings by including and excluding links to it from your home page.” – Russ Jones, Virante CTO.

5. Age of Site (Not the date of original registration of the domain, but rather the launch of indexable content seen by the search engines) – “We have seen new sites flourish as long as they have a clear connection to the ‘parent’ site that has already gained trust.” – Chris Boggs, Search Engine Land Associate Editor.

6. Topical Relevance of Inbound Links To Site (The subject-specific relationship between the sites/pages linking to the target page and the target keyword) – “We seem to have moved from analysis of simply anchor text, to including surrounding text and probably even page theme.” – Caveman, SEO/SEM Consultant.

7. Link Popularity of Site In Topical Community (The link weight/authority of the target website amongst its topical peers in the online world) – ” I’ve seen one of my sites goes from #39 to #1 right after I got 1 link… from the #1 spot on the keyword I was trying to get” – Guillaume Bouchard, CEO NVI Solutions.

8. Keyword Use in Body Text (Using the targeted search term in the visible, HTML text of the page) – “If you are writing about ‘dogs’ then you should naturally use keywords related to ‘dogs’ within your content. If you don’t have keywords within your content it can become hard to rank for those terms.” – Neil Patel, Pronet Advertising.

9. Global Link Popularity of Linking Site – “This is why people bought PageRank 7 site links for lots more than PageRank 6 links. The links were very valuable, and the information on how strong they were was very valuable (this is why it’s also very hard to GET an accurate read on anymore without an SEO shaman). – Todd Malicoat, Stuntdubl SEO Consulting.

10. Rate of New Inbound Links to Site (The frequency and timing of external sites linking to given domain) – “I don’t think getting fifty links overnight will kill you. Especially if those links are bringing traffic and from quality sites. Getting 100K links overnight and having no visitors or search queries as a result smells abit fishy no matter how you look at it.” – Rae Hoffman, Principal, Sugarrae SEO Consulting.

This isn’t reverse engineering, says SEOMoz’s Rand Fishkin, who called a virtual quorum of the top 37 minds in the SEO business. It’s a list of 35 factors that make up, in Fishkin’s estimation, 90-95 percent of what Google’s algorithm is looking for when determining rankings.
Greg L
2007-05-21 16:25:48 UTC
Well you just got some traffic from this. Can't really tell what your site is about other than making money off ads.
2007-05-21 16:21:41 UTC
Can I be honest, Okay I will, When I visited the website and saw all the yummy food I thought it was a website for a take away, then I saw body building, immigration services coming soon, flats, finance, hotels, flashing adverts, everything, as for the case of free cobra yeah it sat there amongst the adverts.

Find your keywords on the Index page, welcome people to the Shanti empire, then let them find their way around the website from that index page depending on if they want to rent properties or build their muscles or eat great food. An index page means just that.

Also if you are not getting return hits from all those flashing adverts then dump the lot, clear the page and start again, a nice clean look as any index page should be. Those are my honest thoughts and you are free to get in touch with me if you want to send me that case of beer cos it is Monday after all!!!

2007-05-21 16:13:56 UTC
Didn't know whether you were selling me a balti, a new house,a phone, or getting me to change my mortgage! You've got far too much going on there, Didnt even see the bit about the beer! I think a re-design is in order...
2007-05-21 16:09:05 UTC
wow you got some links on there !
2007-05-21 18:07:32 UTC

The best way for receive few visitors for free is... use autosurf program, you can join for free many autosurf on internet.

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Alain Berube

2007-05-21 09:18:00 UTC
First you need to clean up your homepage. You can give truckloads of beer, but no one can read about it on your homepage because of clutter. There should be a balance between the ads and the site content -- and make sure that the ads are not covering the content as it currently does with your skyscraper on the right. There's just too many colors, too many ads, that visitors are not likely going to stay long to read what you have to offer.

I suggest you also focus your site better. Your banner masthead shows that your site is about Bangladeshi food -- yet the navigation on the left shows mortgage, landlord which has NOTHING to do with food. You are confusing visitors as to what your site is all about.

Remember, there are two things to think about when you have an ecommerce site:

- how to get traffic

- how to get that traffic to buy what it is you offer or conversion

You can spend thousands in pay per click advertising such as Adwords, but if your site remains what it is right now, you're not going to get a lot of sales, if at all.

Once you clean up your home page here are some free strategies to increase traffic to your website

1. Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others.

2. Make it easy for users to recommend your site. Viral marketing is very important -- and easy to tap on the Web. But give your users the tools. Get a Recommend this Site script from websites such as and similar directories of scripts. Some even go as far as giving incentives to those who recommend the site to their friends. If only 10 people go to your site, but these 10 people invite 10 more - that's additional traffic that you get for FREE!

Recommend Site Scripts (various)

Big Nose Bird Recommend this Site

CGI Resource Index


3. Rank well in the search engines (organic search results, not the pay per click). SEs can be a big source of traffic. The key is to create the best content in your niche. If you have good content, other websites will gladly link to you and offer your site as a resource to their audience. Check the on-page factors and be sure to get linked from authority sites in your topic area.

If you are going to read only one piece on search engine optimization, I suggest you read Brett Tabke of's "Successful Site in 12 Months with Google Alone: 26 steps to 15k a day."

4. Send out press releases. While outfits charge as much as $650 per release, there are free press release submission places on the Web. Press releases allow you to (a) attract media attention; (b) get more back links to your website without sending each website an email request; and (c) get more visibility especially if your press release gets in Google News or Yahoo News.

5. Submit articles. Write articles and submit them to websites accepting author submissions. You get exposure for your business; establishes you as an authority in your field, and allows you to get backlinks for your website. If 50 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 50 links from a single article. The more links you have, the greater your chances for increasing your search engine rankings.

Here is a comprehensive list of where to submit your articles;_ylt=AhzreGmnCUicOoyedqypscUjzKIX?qid=1006022407481

6. Post a link to your site for free where it is allowed (always read the Terms of Use). Examples are:


Google Base

Classifieds for Free

Text Link Exchange

Yahoo Classifieds

US Free Ads

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.