Hi, I'll try and answer this one for you. Getting to the top of the search engine rankings is the dream of every website owner. Trouble is, only 10 people can be on the first page of results for each keyword. In the case of the word "mom" there are 2,740,000 web pages with that word in the title of the web page. In the case of "family", it's even more depressing, 19,300,000. And "kids" is 15,300,000. The reason why the currrent 10 websites are on the first page of Google's results for each of the keywords you mention is because of a combination of 2 factors. The first is 'on-page SEO'. On page SEO means that the keyword (mom, family, kids etc.), has been strategically placed throughout the web page so that the Google spider 'thinks' the page relates to the subject. The second factor is what Google refers to as 'PageRank'. A web page's PageRank improves when other webpages (that have a similar topic focus) link to it. So, the more pages that link to you, the better. And even better still, is to have pages with a high PageRank link to you. This second factor is sometimes called off-page SEO and is the more important of the 2. So, the reason why Microsoft is ranked first for 'MOM' is because the acronym MOM occurs frequently throughout the web page, millions of people link to the Microsoft page, and Microsoft itself has a 10/10 pagerank. It's very hard to compete with that. Despite this rather depressing news, It is still possible to rank highly for related terms that people search for frequently, where there are relatively few web pages that have been optimized for that keyword. For instance, instead of the word 'mom', what about 'moms friend'? There are only 227 websites with those 2 words in that order in them, and over 7000 queries a month that use that exact keyword phrase. You could easily rank well for that phrase as well as hundreds of others. There is no magic bullet for ranking well in the search engines. The SEO guys that will promise you a top ten listing, will only do so for key words such as the one I mention above. There's nothing clever in that. You can do it yourself for free. For a full run down on how to do it, plus how to obtain all the numbers I have used in this answer, please visit my website, which is accessible from my Dr DIY link. Hope this helps.